Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Bentonite Grease RXSOL-92-9006-005 GREASES-92 Bentonite Grease
Alt Diglycol Amine RXSOL-19-2067-210 Clean Air deodorizer-24 Diglycolamine is a colourless, slightly viscous liquid with a mild amine odour.
Alt Rustosol 10 Ltr RXSOL-16-1021-010 Rust Clean & Protect-28 Treatment and reduction of corrosive & rust deposits formed on metal components.
Alt Rustosol 05 Ltr RXSOL-16-1021-005 Rust Clean & Protect-28 Treatment and reduction of corrosive & rust deposits formed on metal components.
Alt RXSOL 2100 RXSOL-40-4037-210 Cooling Water Chemical-43 unique liquid cleaner designed to clean Radiator and cooling water system of Contaminted ions, scale
Alt Laboratory Chemicals RXSOL-19-1635-050 Lab Chemical-60 Full Range
Alt Aluminium Potassium Sulphate AR RXSOL-60-6133-500 Lab Chemical-60 12H2O Alum is the common name of Potassium Aluminium sulfate dodecahydrate.
Alt Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate AR RXSOL-60-6135-500 Lab Chemical-60 um Ammonium Sulphate AR
Alt Electrosol Plus Low Evaporation Rate RXSOL-16-1077-025 Electrical Cleaner-30 Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporat
Alt Dish Wash 500 ml 6 Pcs BOX RXSOL-15-3007-500 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Each box contain 6 Pcs