All Purpose Cleaner Ammoniated 25 Ltr |
RXSOL-16-1038-025 |
institutional cleaner which works on all washable surfaces |
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr |
RXSOL-16-T300-025 |
Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. |
General Purpose Cleaner Degreaser |
RXSOL-10-1701-020 |
RXSOL-10-1701 tolerates high levels of contamination. |
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr |
RXSOL-16-0009-025 |
ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease de |
Descaling Scalefoe Compound |
RXSOL-16-1008-060 |
The most effective RXSOL-16-1008-060 ,Descaling Liquid - II is accomplished by circulation for large |
BTC Zyme |
RXSOL-15-1496-025 |
Unique biological active liquid formulation containing specialized bacterial strains, biodegradable |
Descaling Liquid 25 Ltrs |
RXSOL-11-1008-025 |
Scales are damaging the boiler because they interfere with the heat transfer and can lead to overhea |
Dish Wash 10 Ltr |
RXSOL-15-3007-010 |
can be used for conventional dishwashing applications. |
Heavy Duty Cleaner 25 Ltr |
RXSOL-16-1032-025 |
Heavy Duty Cleaner (Emulsifier) is a low-foaming solvent emulsifier cleaner used for cleaning marine |
M.DET-300 |
RXSOL-16-1029-020 |
General Purpose Degreaser |
General Purpose Cleaning Solvent |
RXSOL-16-1030-025 |
General Purpose Cleaning & Solvent |
RXSOL-61-2701-025 |
Demineralised Water |
RXSOL-20-2204-025 |
Extremely high quality. |
RXSOL-16-1023-025 |
This specially formulated solvent is intended for maintenance cleaning on grime, grease, lubricatio |
Seacleaner- org |
RXSOL-20-2055-025 |
Degreaser and Tank Cleaner Specially formulated for cleaning of oily Greasy Surface and cleaning dou |